Notes on the SXVIDEO application: First, a bug-fixed version of SXVIO.sys needs to be copied into the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS directory. The driver is backward compatible with the one shipped with the camera. It allows multiple cameras to be opened (for all of you with multiple SXVs) and makes opening one more robust. Copy the sxvideo.exe and sxusbcam.dll into your SXV application directory (or any directory you want). Click on sxvideo.exe to start the video application. Just what is it? Well, for those of you familiar with the low-light video cameras that are all the rage, you can now use your SXV the same way. This is a rather brain-dead application, it is meant more as a test-bed for the SXV interface library, sxusbcam.dll. It simply takes a steady stream of images and displays them. The exposure duration is set by the F1 through F10 keys. It is a semi-log scale from 0 ms to 4 seconds. The space bar cycles through the available color palettes. The video window can be stretched and scaled to any size. I just maximize mine to get the biggest image. Computer speed makes all the difference here. The faster the better although I use it on my 400 MHz Celeron laptop with reasonable results. This is great for star parties when you want to show off your fancy, expensive toy and don't want to say 'come back in an hour and see the image'. You should get nice, deep images to show off. Excessively bright objects may saturate the CCD so the moon isn't a real good option unless you have a good filter or can stop the aperature way down. This is also a handy way to locate DSO's in real-time for long-exposure imaging. How does it work? Well, in order to give video type framerates and make the camera sensitive enough for short exposures, the image is binned way down. The image is binned all the way down to a 320x240 image, or as close as can be had given the ccd dimensions. The binning is done on-chip for increased sensitivity. Because the ccd resolution is so greatly diminished, this mode is only good for coarse focus adjustment. But I have the original USB interface, is there a version for me? Well, sort of. I have written a universal HEX file for the original USB interface that is uses the same command interface as the SXV. You can then use the sxvideo application as is (and even the shipping SXV-H9 acquisition application) with your camera. All the cameras are supported. You will be presented with a dialog box asking you what camera model you have. You can scroll through the list to select your model, and check the 'Don't ask again' box if you never want to answer the question again. However, this configuration is not compatible with the applications you currently have for your camera. You will need to back up your current configuration before attempting this. In fact, contact me directly at before doing anything and I will help you through it. Dave...